The third fruit of the spirit, peace,
is one that falls into the category of being very noticeable in someone. In
other words, if you have peace, it is quite obvious to anyone that you have it.
It has probably been clear to you in the past whilst you have been talking to
someone; whether they were at peace, or had a lot of anxiety about something or
other. Now try and think back over your life, once to a time spent with someone
who had peace, and once with someone who didn’t. The likelihood is that the
second memory was of someone prattling on about all the problems in their life,
and just rushing around from one subject to another, whilst the first was
talking to someone who was calm, gentle, and understanding. Now, which type of
person would you want to spend time with? Obviously the first one. So if you
would want to spend time with peaceful people, won’t people want to spend time
with you if you are peaceful? Although not
all Christians have peace, we, as Christians who know God personally, are the
only people who have the privilege of the option of that safety zone in life’s
trials. Why? Because the only source of true peace is God. This is never better
illustrated than in John 16:33: “I have said these things to you, that in me
you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I
have overcome the world.” God is saying to us quite literally; “Cast all your
anxieties on him (God), because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) So, what
reason do we have not to accept God’s offer of peace?