27 October 2015

Making time for God 2 by Nathan Jukes

Several months back I wrote a post on making time for God. I want to come back it as I feel it’s is a really imported thing to do. How can you grow spirally if you don’t spend time with God every day? There is no better way to get to know God than reading his word.  I have found not reading my bible in the pass draws me away, it made me angry and more likely to hurt other people with my words and my actions. Keeping close to God makes it easily to become more like his son Jesus. As Christian goal should be to be like Jesus, I believe the more we read our bibles the more we should take in the closer we should become to God. If you feel after reading your bible for a long time and don’t ever fell close to God, then maybe you should rethink the way you do it. If you are doing it with a set time that you always have to it on that exactly time. You can it anytime a day God does not take naps or just can’t be bothered to spend time with you, it more the other way around I’ve had times when I hadn’t been bothered to read my bible and pray. I always do now because I want a relationship with God.  I enjoy reading my bible now, it took time to build up to everyday so don’t worry if the start with you can’t manage every day. If you wait and try your best you’ll be able to do it every day. Spending time with should not about being relish but wanting to get to know God better. You don’t even have to decide how long you are going to read it for, it will really dement on how much you want to read it. For me I just keep reading until I feel like I’m going to fall asleep, as I read my bible before I go to bed. I’ve heard the saying if you read your bible for 5 minutes a day you’re a ok Christian. 15 minutes and you’re doing pretty good, if you spend 30 minutes God you’re a super Christian. Don’t base your bible reading on this, not everyone will have 30 minutes a day to spend with God. A good reaction of what you are learning should come off in your daily life. If you’re a Christian and people can’t tell that you are, you’re doing it wrong. Also don’t act like it’s some great sacrifice to make time for God. God made the time so you act like you haven’t God enough time for God, it makes it seem like the other things in your life is more important.  Spending time with God should be less of an obligation and more of a privilege.  God made everything so what a privilege to spend time with him.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

23 October 2015

The EU headquaters, a symbol of today's world. By Jack Lewis

There are so many stories around in the media today that show how the world is going downhill, (from a Christian perspective) like the Bible said it would in the end times. There are all the headlines about the Syrian refugees who are having to flee their homelands and everything they own because Islamic State are bombing them, then they get here and we tell them to shove off. It’s just not right. We see these stories every day in the news, but here I am going to bring up an issue that you will not see about very often, and it’s to do with the EU headquarters in Brussels.

The European Union is the governing body over… everything (more or less) in Europe. They govern the whole of one of the most important continents in the world, so when it comes for the time for them to build a place for them to rule from, what do they base it on? The answer is the Tower of Babel. Out of all the things they could have chosen they decided to make their HQ like the tower of Babel!

    This sounds pretty bad on face value, but when you start digging deeper you can uncover more and more examples of evil. For starters, in the amphitheatre the 666 seat is left empty. It says in Revelation 13:18 that 666 is the number of man, and therefore the number of sin and evil (God’s number is 7, in case you’re wondering). Also they have cleverly placed three of their 60th birthday plaques on the wall in such a way to spell 666. Secondly, the official EU poster is of the tower of Babel, and if you look carefully, you will notice that the stars at the top are upside down.

Now what that also means, is that the stars are reversed pentagrams. It is quite detailed, but basically, regular pentagrams (like normal stars) represent good ruling, and reversed pentagrams like in the poster represent evil ruling.

The third and final thing that represents why Europe’s leaders are Satan’s ally is that the EU’s chosen symbol is… a woman riding a beast.

Revelation 17:3 says: "...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." They even used this as the picture on their 1984 postage stamp!

The reason, in my opinion, why the EU are doing all this, is because they think they are bigger than God. However on judgement day, their tower isn’t going to protect them from what is to come!  What all this really proves to me though, is that we are in the end times, because my country (England) are being indirectly governed by people who, put simply, identify themselves with evil. About 150 years ago, Queen Victoria’s was asked by an African ambassador what England’s secret to success was. She simply handed the man a Bible and told him that the book in his hands was the secret to England’s success. Was it a coincidence why her country was so successful?

Please tell us what you think of all this by commenting on the bottom of this page.

9 October 2015

Worshiping God By Nathan Jukes

I know you all like music! We all love music; we may all have different ideas about which music is the best! God gave us music so we could Worshiped him. Some people may find that different music helps them connect with God. I like music from hymns to modern music, but mostly modern music with drums in it. I still enjoy some hymns because I think they have a nice sound, And both Worships God. I may be wrong but I think that the way we worship God has change, the songs have got faster, we now have the drums and guitars, but it’s still worships God, Whatever you like as long as it honors God worships him.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the lord with gladness: come before his presents with singing.  Psalm 100:1-2 (KJV)

David who wrote some of the psalms loved to make music on his harp to worshiped God said make a joyful noise to God.  So let’s get out the piano, the guitar, the flute, the drums and much more and make a joyful noise until God. Let’s not make a sad noise or mournful noise to God but ones of joyful praise.  The second part of the verse says serve the lord with gladness; come before his presents with singing. As Christians we need to serve God with gladness, when you are doing something for God, be glad and do it with your whole heart. Have you ever felt you are in God present when worshiping him? God’s presents is in worship he loves it when we worship him. Whatever music you like it doesn’t matter if you love the news one that’s fine, if you love the old hymns that fine, the thing that matters is that you worship him. And as Jack said I his blog post last week So whatever kind of Worship Music you like, and whatever style of Worship Music makes you want to put in earplugs and walk out the door, it is all there to glorify God.” There is so many good songs and hymns to choose from, no one else will like exactly what you like.

2 October 2015

Worshipping God through music by Jack Lewis

There are many different opinions about what sort of worship music pleases God. Some people believe that instruments like drums and guitars are instruments of the Devil, even though 1 Chronicles 13:7-8 would suggest otherwise; while many others (myself included) disagree. Different people find different kinds of music help them connect with God better; there are the types of people who like old hymns with an organ in the background, and there are the people who like the modern loud worship stuff that you find at places like Soul Survivor or Hillsong United. Any style of music you like though was all made with worshipping God in mind. So whatever kind of Worship Music you like, and whatever style of Worship Music makes you want to put in earplugs and walk out the door, it is all there to glorify God, so does that not make all worship music good in God’s eyes?

If you are the type of person, though, who finds it hard to use worship music as a way of getting closer to God, then that is also fine; and if you like worship songs but want to connect more with God through them, then here are a couple of tips that have helped me.

1. Get with a group of people who you find it easy to be around, sometimes there are people who you find it difficult to be around because you find them a bit judgemental of how you look during your Worshipping.

2. Try and forget who is around you and what your surroundings are as if you are concentrating on what the people around you are doing then you will find it very hard to focus on God. If you can then also get someone to pray with you.

These are just a couple of things that work for me but everyone will have different things that work for them, but I think the most important thing about worshipping God is simply to ask him to connect with you and he will. Try it.